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This is a dedicated view that resource managers and team leads can use to see who is working on which projects, quickly identify capacity constraints, and edit project allocations. This allows you to find the right people with available capacity.
Required User Rights
To view the Team Planner, you do not need any specific user rights. To open the detail view of a resource, team or role, you need to have the Edit Resource Pool, Absences, OBS, Calendar and Skills right.
Other actions in the Team Planner may require other user rights. See the articles on adding, editing and deleting allocations, staffing roles, and reassigning resource allocations for further information.
Where to Find
In the left sidebar, click Team Planner to open the view. The list displays the resources, teams and roles, and the timeline displays their capacity for the selected zoom level (per month, quarter, etc.) in a histogram view.
Red shows an overallocation according to the value set under Configure View > Overallocation, green shows an optimal allocation and light blue the available capacity. If you have configured a value larger than 0 under Configure View > Underallocation, the area between the underallocation threshold and 0 will be displayed in dark blue.
The Team Planner displays all resource, teams and roles that correspond to the selected custom view.
To see the individual project allocations of a resource, teams or role, expand their line by clicking the arrow after their name. For projects with resources or teams that are assigned to a project role that is not their primary role, the assigned role will be displayed in parentheses. You can also view a resource's absences (e.g., vacation) here. You can input these absences in the Resource Pool.
If a resource, Team or role is allocated to a project but has no allocation value, this project will still be displayed in the Time Grid mode. In the Compact mode, no allocation segments will be displayed.
In the toolbar, you can search for resources, teams and roles, filter the view, select the Allocation Mode, the Allocation Unit and the Zoom Level as well as configure the view. You can also undo various actions.
Information Panel
Click one of the icons in the right sidebar to open the Information Panel. When you select a project, you can find its Overview, Change Log, Project Comments and Allocation Comments there. When you select a resource, team or role, you can also view all of the allocation changes made to it in the Change Log.
If you've configured a color scheme, a guide to these colors is displayed in the Information Panel.
Accessing Resource and Project Information
Move your cursor over the name or a resource, team or role and click the square icon after the name to open their detail view.
Select an allocation segment and click the information icon in the right sidebar to open the Information Panel with the Overview. If the selected project is part of the current portfolio, you can open the project's details by clicking Open Project in the Information Panel.
You can also open a project's details by moving your cursor over the project's name, clicking the three dots and selecting Open Project.
Selecting Which Data You'd Like to Display
User-Specific Data
Control which resources, teams and roles are displayed in the Team Planner by selecting the Date Range, Portfolio or Scenario in the header.
Select the date range to ensure that only resources with a start or termination date within that date range are displayed.
These settings are user-specific.
Portfolio-Specific Data
The resource filter in the selected portfolio defines the resources, teams and roles that are displayed in the Team Planner. With the right resource filter (OBS, skills, primary role, external/internal), you can only see resources, teams and roles that are relevant to your current task.
The project filter in the selected portfolio defines which projects you can open and/or edit. You will see all projects of the displayed resources, teams and roles, but you can only open or edit the projects that correspond to the project filter (e.g., OBS, Project Manager, Status) in the selected portfolio.
Portfolios function like custom views. The settings apply to all who have access, and once a settings is changed and saved to ther portfolio, it will affect all users with access.
How to Configure
Allocation Mode
The Team Planner offers two allocation modes: Time Grid and Compact. The allocation mode determines the way in which the data in the Team Planner is displayed.
Time Grid Mode
For expanded resources, teams and roles, the Time Grid mode displays a row for each project that they are assigned to. Allocation segments are separated into cells similar to a spreadsheet layout, and the cells correspond to the selected zoom level (month, quarter, etc.). You can easily edit or adjust allocations in this view as well. The projects or each resource, team or role are ordered by their rank. The available capacity of a resource, team or role is assigned according to the project's rank and overallocations are colored in red.
By selecting the right allocation unit and zoom level, you can adjust the view for the desired level of detail.
Compact Mode
When selecting the Compact mode, allocation segments will be displayed as bars. The bars are arranged to best fit the available space while ensuring that all of a resource's allocations and absences are visible. The number in the bottom left corner of an allocation segment is the total of allocations for that resource, team or role for that project. This number is displayed according to what allocation unit you choose. Hover over an allocation segment and click the three dots to open the context menu. There, you can replace a resource or team with another resource or another team, staff a role, unstaff a resource's or team's allocation back to the role, delete the allocation segment or open the project details.
By double-clicking on an allocation bar, you can edit the individual allocation segments (depending on the zoom level) with the mouse or with shortcuts. When you hover the cursor over the selected cells and click the three dots, you can replace the resource, team or role that has been allocated to this segment, or add their remaining capacity.
In Compact mode, the Team Planner does not display allocation segments with a value of "0".
The Compact mode gives you an overview to quickly see the total workload of your team. You can get additional insights by coloring the projects by a field such as Status or Business Goal.
Filter Your Resources, Teams and Roles
To filter the Team Planner for resource, team or role details, click Filter:
You can select from the following fields:
- Top level OBS, e.g., department
- External Resource
- Primary Role: displays the resources, teams and roles that have the selected primary roles
- Resource Manager: displays resources, teams and roles with the selected resource manager
- Resources: displays the selected resources, teams and roles
- Resource Type: displays resources, teams or roles
- Skills: displays resources and teams with all selected skills
You can use several filters at the same time to further limit the results. Learn more in the Ad-Hoc Filter article.
Configure View
In the toolbar under Configure View, you can find the following options:
- Sort Resources, Teams and Roles by: Here, you can select whether the resources, teams and roles are sorted by name, by their primary role or by an OBS field (e.g., department).
- Color Scheme: Here, you can define by which field the projects are colored (e.g., by Business Goal or Status):
- Time Grid mode: the project line that displays the duration of a selected project will be colored
- Compact mode: the project line and all project bars will be colored
- Underallocation/Overallocation: Here, you can define when the cells are displayed in dark blue (underallocation) and red (overallocation). In other terms, you can use this to define what percentage of under- or overallocation will be displayed in a color. For example, if you want to be sure that you do not approach the threshold of overallocation for your resources, you can set the overallocation percentage to 80%, so that anything above their 80% will be red, letting you know that you should look out in future planning.
Save Your Configuration as a Custom View
You can save every configuration of the Team Planner as a Custom View. Click the custom view name next to the title Team Planner to select a different view or add a new view.
Custom views are helpful when you want to share a specific configuration with other users, or save the configuration you are working with for next time. For example, if you want to share a custom view with all of your resource managers, simply filter for Resource Manager > Logged-In User. If your resource managers user accounts have been linked to their resource, by sharing this custom view with them, you will give a personalized view of the Team Planner to all resource managers in one simple step.
To edit the view name or delete the view, click the three dots next to the view name. Depending on your user rights, you can also define access rights to the view for users and user groups.
Learn more in the Custom Views article.
Further Information
For more information on the Team Planner, please see our articles on Adding, Editing and Deleting Allocations, Staff Role, and Reassigning Resource Allocations.