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Configure your company's organizational structure, or OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure), with its departments and offices.
In this video we show you how to configure organizational structures in Meisterplan.
What is an OBS?
An OBS unit in Meisterplan is used to categorize projects and resources by various organization structures like department, team, office, etc. Configuring the OBS view with data customized for your organization can help optimize your system for PPM and ensure users see only the most relevant information.
Linking OBS units with Resources
You can link resources, teams, and roles and projects with OBS units, but not an overarching OBS. For example, you can link a resource with the professional services department but not the OBS “Department”.
Assigning User Rights with OBS-Dependent Permissions
You have the option to configure user rights so that users can only edit projects that have the same OBS or OBS unit as their linked resource. For more information on how to assign such user rights, see the article Manage User Groups.
How to Find
You need to have the Edit Resource Pool, Absences, OBS, Calendar and Skills right to access this function.
In the left Sidebar, click Manage and select OBS:
Adding OBS
In the toolbar, click Add OBS:
Editing OBS
To edit an existing OBS, move your cursor over the OBS entry in the list view and click the pencil icon at the end of the line. This opens the details view of the OBS:
Click Add OBS Unit to create a new OBS unit on the first level. To add OBS units on lower levels, move your cursor over the OBS unit on the level above (for example, "Professional Services") and click the plus icon at the end of the line. You can add as many OBS units as you need, but only a maximum of 15 levels below an OBS.
To delete an OBS unit, move the cursor over the respective OBS unit and click the trash can icon at the end of the line.
To reflect changes in your organizational structure, simply drag an OBS unit to another unit or level within the same OBS (for example, "Department") and drop it on the OBS unit that should be directly above it.
With the Quick Imports for projects, resources, teams, and roles, you can import OBS units (but not a new OBS). Learn more in the linked articles.
Deleting OBS
To delete an OBS and its OBS units, move your cursor over the OBS entry in the OBS list view and click the trash can icon at the end of the line.
All projects, resources, teams, and roles that were assigned to one of the deleted OBS units will lose their OBS unit, and the OBS field is removed from all views in which it was configured (e.g., List, Project Details, Project Overview).