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My Schedule is a view for project team members that gives a summary of their general information, allocations and remaining capacity.
The My Schedule view only works if your user is linked to a resource. Learn more in the articles Resource Pool - Resources and Configuring User Accounts.
Where to Find
In the left-hand sidebar, click My Schedule to open the view.
Information Panel
Click one of the icons in the right sidebar to open the Information Panel. When you select a project in either the My Schedule or the My Actual Time Worked schedule, you can find its Overview, Project Comments, and Change Log there. You can also view the Allocation Change Log and the Allocation Comments for the linked resource here.
My Information
In the top half of the My Schedule view, you will find the My Information window. The following information can be found there:
- User Picture
- Primary Role
- Calendar
- OBS Fields
- Skills
This information is taken from the resource details of the linked resource and are read only.
My Actual Time Worked (Hours)ProPremium
Access to this function is restricted by the user right Team Members Can View and Edit Their Own Actual Time Worked in the section Manage > User Groups > Project and Program Rights.
In this section, you can see, enter, and edit your actual time worked.
This section provides a list of all of the projects that you have been planned for in the selected week and scenario, including the planned allocation. When actual time work for this time period has already been imported for you, you can still edit that information here. Actual time worked is imported with a booking date; in your table, those hours will be evenly distributed over the weeks depending on the calendar assigned to you.
If no actual time worked has been imported for you, you can either move your mouse over the Actuals (Sum) column and confirm the plan:
Or, you can enter actual time worked for each day separately. Current values and values in the past can always be edited; values in the future cannot be edited. There is no booking date for manually entered values.
If you would like to enter Actual Time Worked for a project on which you are planned for zero hours for the week, select Add Another of My Projects and enter in the time you have worked. The button is only active for past and present weeks, and only when you are assigned to a project with a zero allocations.
Actual time worked is global; this means that your linked-user can enter their actual time worked in My Schedule regardless of the scenario they are in.
Learn more in the article Actuals - Time Worked.
My Schedule
The bottom of the My Schedule view is My Schedule. Only the projects the resource is assigned to, the resource's allocations, and the resource's remaining capacity, will be displayed. This information is read-only, meaning that nothing can be edited.
How to Configure My Schedule
To define which projects are displayed, select Date Range and/or Scenario in the header at the top of your screen.
You can view My Schedule in either the Time Grid or the Compact allocation mode that you can also find in the Team Planner. The allocation unit (days, hours, FTE), and the zoom level (year, quarter, month, week) can be adjusted by the viewer. If a user logs out and then logs back on, the allocation unit and zoom level will stay as they have adjusted it.