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Use portfolios to divide your list of projects into easily manageable sub-portfolios that only display the most relevant data.
- The Key Facts
- Selecting a Portfolio
- Preconfigured Portfolios
- Portfolios and Scenarios/Plan of Record
In this video, you can find out how portfolios support your planning:
The Key Facts
Portfolios in Meisterplan at a glance:
- Portfolios allow you to reduce complexity by dividing a long list of projects into sub-portfolios, for example by business unit or responsibility.
- Each portfolio contains as many projects of the entire portfolio as needed:
- Essentially, a portfolio in Meisterplan is a filter. You can specify which projects are part of a portfolio and which aren't.
- Each project can be part of as many portfolios as required. When you or your colleagues update a project in one portfolio, it will be updated in all portfolios.
- For meetings, you can configure specific portfolios that contain only those projects that are relevant to the meeting, for example project initiatives ready for review.
- You can set a budget for each portfolio for financial planning.
In this article, you'll find the portfolio basics. The articles below will help you broaden your knowledge:
- Adding, Editing and Deleting Portfolios
- Portfolio Filters - Details
- Portfolio Access Rights - Details
- Portfolio Budgets - Details
Selecting a Portfolio
In the black header at the top of your screen, you can see which portfolio is currently selected. To select another portfolio, click this part of the header:
Then click either one of the portfolios listed under Recent or click View All Portfolios to select another portfolio.
After you've selected a portfolio, the respective view (in this case the Portfolio Designer) displays only project and resource data that are part of the selected portfolio:
The Change Log allows you to track all changes made to projects and programs within the selected portfolio. Without selecting a project or program, click the Change Log icon in the right sidebar to display all changes to the portfolio. Learn more in the Change Log article.
Preconfigured Portfolios
In new Meisterplan systems, you'll find preconfigured portfolios to help you get started, that correspond to our Lean PPM™ Framework. You can adapt the portfolios to your preferences and delete those you don't need.
Portfolio | Benefit |
All Projects | Displays all projects in Meisterplan. |
Department: Software Engineering | Example of a sub-portfolio for a business unit that filters by OBS unit. |
Project Manager: Kim Young |
Example of a sub-portfolio for a multi-project manager. If you want to configure multiple portfolios for multiple project managers, select Logged-In User as Project Manager. In this portfolio, each user will see only their own projects. |
Stage Gate: Active |
As the name suggests. F. ex., useful in the first part of the Lean PPM™ Portfolio Board Meeting. |
Status: Critical | As the name suggests. F. ex., useful in the first part of the Lean PPM™ Portfolio Board Meeting or for coordination with project managers. |
Portfolios and Scenarios/Plan of Record
In addition to portfolios, scenarios are one of the central functions in Meisterplan that help you make successful plans. Here are their major differences:
- A portfolio is a filter that lets you view a part of the entire data (e.g., all projects of a particular business unit).
- A scenario is an alternative version of your data (e.g., different planning options for the upcoming quarter). The Plan of Record is the current approved plan, and it forms the basis the scenarios. Find more details in the Plan of Record article.
- Because a portfolio is a filtered view of your data, you can select a portfolio and a scenario at the same time:
- The selected portfolio filters the selected scenario or the Plan of Record: