Question: Why does the rank of a project differ between portfolios and scenarios? And why do I see rank changes in my portfolio when I have not made any changes?
Answer: The Plan of Record or a scenario contain a certain number of projects in a certain order. A portfolio is a filter that displays only a part of all projects of the Plan of Record or scenario. You can adjust the date range to further limit the number of projects displayed.
The currently displayed rank of a project is always specific to the currently selected portfolio, scenario and date range. The rank is calculated temporarily depending on the currently displayed projects.
A portfolio contains only a part of the projects in a scenario (image: P=project, R=rank)
Changing a projects’s rank in your current view can change the rank of other projects that you cannot currently see, for example, because they aren’t part of the portfolio or are outside the selected date range.
Manual Rank Change
This action can influence all projects in a scenario, even if not all projects are displayed because the scenario was filtered with a portfolio filter.
When you drag and drop a single project up (or down), it will be placed directly above (or below) the project that you dragged it to. The project you moved is always directly above (or below) this other project, not only in your current portfolio, but in the entire scenario and in all portfolios that it is a part of. This may influence the rank of other projects in the scenario and/or in other portfolios.
Rank by Priority Score
This action can influence all projects in a scenario, even if not all projects are displayed because the scenario was filtered with a portfolio filter.
This function sorts all projects of a scenario according to their priority score, even if you currently see only some of the projects because you have opened a portfolio. After sorting all projects in the scenario, the rank for the currently displayed projects (depending on portfolio and date range) is calculated and displayed.
Changing the ranks in a portfolio may change the ranks in the entire scenario (and in other portfolios).
Complete Meisterplan data:
Plan of Record |
Scenario 1 |
Project Year |
OSP (Filter) |
Project A |
Project A |
2021 |
South |
Project B |
Project B |
2021 |
North |
Project C |
2021 |
South |
Project D |
Project D |
2022 |
North |
Project E |
2022 |
South |
Project F |
Project F |
2021 |
North |
In the Plan of Record, the projects have the following rank:
Rank |
Plan of Record |
No portfolio filter, entire date range |
1 |
Project A |
2021 |
South |
2 |
Project B |
2021 |
North |
3 |
Project D |
2022 |
North |
4 |
Project E |
2022 |
South |
5 |
Project F |
2021 |
North |
In the Scenario 1, the projects have this rank:
Rank |
Scenario 1 |
No portfolio filter, entire date range |
1 |
Project A |
2021 |
South |
2 |
Project B |
2021 |
North |
3 |
Project C |
2021 |
South |
4 |
Project D |
2022 |
North |
5 |
Project F |
2021 |
North |
If you open a portfolio in the Plan of Record that displays only the project with the OSP type “North” and set the date range to 2021, only two projects are displayed. This is their rank:
Rank |
Plan of Record |
Portfolio Filter: “North“; Date Range: 2021 |
1 |
Project B |
2021 |
North |
2 |
Project F |
2021 |
North |
If you move Project F in the above-mentioned “North” portfolio above Project B (it doesn’t matter how you move it) the rank of both projects will change:
Rank |
Plan of Record |
Portfolio Filter: “North“; Date Range: 2021 |
1 |
Project F |
2021 |
North |
2 |
Project B |
2021 |
North |
If you close the “North” portfolio and go back to the complete Plan of Record, you will see that the rank change has affected nearly all other projects. The rank in the Plan of Record is now thus:
Rank |
Plan of Record |
No portfolio filter, entire date range |
1 |
Project A |
2021 |
South |
2 |
Project F |
2021 |
North |
3 |
Project B |
2021 |
North |
4 |
Project D |
2022 |
North |
5 |
Project E |
2022 |
South |