We've updated Meisterplan - check out what's new!
Delete UsersAll Editions
We're excited to announce that you can now permanently delete users from your Meisterplan system. This improvement will allow you to organize and clean up your system by removing users that no longer need access, like when someone leaves the company.
To delete a user, go to Manage > Users and select the three dots at the end of the row. Then, select Delete User.
Learn more in the article Manage Users.
Changes for Auto-Provisioning UsersPremium
If your organization uses auto-provisioning, you can also delete a user through those means by removing them from your identity provider.
Previously, if users were deleted from your identity provider, they were deactivated in Meisterplan. Now, users will be permanently deleted. If you would like to, instead, have your users deactivated, adjust the settings in your identity provider.
We recommend checking in Meisterplan if there are users that are deactivated that you would instead like to delete permanently. You can now manually delete them.
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