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This article gives an overview of the resource section basics in the Meisterplan Portfolio Designer view.
- Overview of the Resource Section
- Resource List Features
- Allocation Histogram Features
- Overallocation
- Role Capacity and Capacity Changes
- Resource Capacity, Absences and Capacity Changes
- Team Capacity
- Selecting Resources, Teams and Roles
- Trace Mode
See the other articles in this section for more detailed information about working with the resource section.
Overview of the Resource Section
The resource section is divided into the left hand side resource list and the right hand side allocation histograms:
- The Resource List lists resources, teams and roles. You may aggregate the list by role or by OBS as well as filter it by project or by a variety of resource, team and role properties. You may also change the capacities of roles via this list (see the Role Capacity and Capacity Changes section below).
- Allocation Histograms will be displayed for each resource, each team, each role and each aggregation row. They display a stack of allocations, which is ordered by project rank. Allocations of projects with a higher rank go on the allocation stack first. Allocations of projects below the cut-off line aren't included in the stack.
Resource List Features
The following features are available in the resource list:
- Use the Resource Filter to filter displayed resources, teams and roles. See the Resource and Role Filter article for details.
- You may also filter the list by selecting one or more projects in the list of projects or Gantt chart.
- You may also filter displayed allocations by selected projects via Settings for the Portfolio Designer view. See the Filter Allocations in Histograms by Selected Projects section of the Portfolio Designer Settings article for details.
- Aggregation Rows will be displayed when you have activated the aggregation by role or by OBS via Settings for the Portfolio Designer view. They summarize the capacity and allocations per role or OBS unit. Additionally, an All row summarizing the capacity and allocations of all resources, teams and roles may be displayed. See the Show Top Level "All" and Aggregation and Structure sections of the Portfolio Designer Settings article for details.
- Roles are displayed with a gray outline icon.
- Teams are displayed with a gray icon with several people.
- Internal Resources are displayed with a solid gray icon.
- External Resources are displayed with a solid blue icon.
- Hints will display associated data when hovering over row headers. See the Role, Resource and Histogram Hints article for details.
Allocation Histogram Features
The following features are available in the allocation histograms:
- Allocation Stacks display the allocations for each row by zoom level (year, quarter, month or week):
- Aggregation Rows summarize the allocations of multiple Resources, teams and/or roles.
- Role rows display direct role allocations, i.e., allocations of the role that haven't been staffed with specific resources or teams.
- Resource rows display resource allocations.
- Team rows display team allocations.
- Overallocation, i.e., workload exceeding the capacity of a resource, team or role, will be displayed in red. See the following section Overallocation for details.
- Capacity Lines display total resource or team capacity or remaining role capacity:
- Aggregation Rows display an Aggregated Capacity line, indicating the total capacity of all associated resources and teams and any additional capacity entered for associated roles (see the Role Capacity and Capacity Changes section below).
- Role rows display a Remaining Role Capacity line, indicating the remaining capacity of all resources and teams with that role and any additional capacity entered for the role (see the Role Capacity and Capacity Changes section below).
- Resource rows display a Resource Capacity line, indicating the resource's total capacity.
- Team rows display a Team Capacity line, indicating the team's total capacity.
- Histogram Hints will display associated allocation and capacity data when hovering over histogram segments. See the Role, Resource and Histogram Hint article for details.
Overallocation of resources. teams and roles will be influenced and displayed by zoom level (year, quarter, month or week).
Please note:
- In the monthly view, overallocation occurring in any week during a month may not be visible if the overallocated resource, team or role isn't overallocated during the rest of the month. Therefore, always switch to the highest zoom level for a detailed overallocation analysis.
- Until the current week or month is completely over, the full amount of overallocation will be displayed for that week or month, even though the associated resources, teams and roles may not be overallocated anymore.
Role Capacity and Capacity Changes
If you have aggregated your resources and teams by role, you will see two entries per role, the aggregated role and the single role. The aggregated role displays the sum of the entire capacities of all resources and teams with that role as primary role, that is, both remaining and allocated capacities:
The capacity of a single role displays only the sum of the remaining capacities of all resources and teams with that role as primary role:
To change the capacity of a single role or reset a changed capacity, either click the three dots to the left of the role name to open the context menu or edit the role details in the Resource Pool.
Role capacity changes will only affect a currently active scenario. See the Role Capacity Changes article for details on changing role capacities.
Please note: If you only work with roles, defining a role's capacity is only possible by adding capacity changes.
Resource Capacity, Absences and Capacity Changes
A resource's capacity is defined by their calendar, absences and (if applicable) part-time working model. Please also note the full time equivalent definition, which describes this more precisely.
In the Part-Time Working Model section of a resource's detail view, you can enter capacity changes (capacity > 0 %) for any period of time, for example, when the resource works part-time. In the Absences section of a resource's detail view, you can enter absences (single days, several days, half days, full days).
Resource absences and part-time working model are global: they apply to the Plan of Record and to all scenarios.
See the Resource Pool: Resources article for details.
Team Capacity
The capacity of a team is the sum of the capacities of the resources that are assigned to the team. For each assigned resource, you can define how much of its capacity is available to the team and, if required, you can also define start and end dates. This capacity is then deducted from the individual resource for the duration of their team assignment. This applies even if the team is not assigned to any project.
If the team has a primary role, the team capacity is added to the role that is set as the primary role.
Selecting Resources, Teams and Roles
- Click on a resource, team or role row header to select it. Click on an aggregation row header to select all associated resources, teams and roles. You may also select multiple rows by using [Ctrl].
- The project section will be filtered to display only projects and programs with allocations of the selected resources, teams and/or roles.
Trace Mode
- Click on an allocation in an aggregation, resource, team or role row to activate the trace mode.
See the Role Trace, Resource Trace and OBS Trace article for details.