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This article describes the Role Trace, Resource Trace and OBS Trace modes in the resource section of the Portfolio Designer view in Meisterplan.
Role Trace or Resource Trace for a Single Resource, Team, or Role
Click on an area in the allocation histogram of a resource, team, or role (unstaffed allocation) to activate the Role Trace or Resource Trace mode.
The resource view will be filtered, such that only the histogram of the selected resource, team, or role is still displayed.
The histogram will switch to the Role Trace or Resource Trace view.
Projects and allocations in the project section will also be filtered by the selected resource, team, or role.
In the histogram that is displayed for the selected resource, team, or role, the projects are stacked, sorted by rank with the highest ranking project at the bottom.
When you select or hover over an area, the respective project or program will be highlighted in the list and Gantt chart in the project section.
The other way around, when you select or hover over a project or a program in the project section, the respective histogram area is highlighted.
Click Leave Details on the divider bar to close this view.
Aggregated Role Trace
The role trace can also be activated for an aggregated role by clicking a histogram segment in an aggregated role row:
The resource view will be filtered to only display the role item for the selected aggregated role (unstaffed allocation) as well as all resources and teams with that primary role.
Projects and allocations in the project section will also be filtered by the selected role.
Please note that the project section may still display resources and teams with other project roles if their primary role is equal to the selected role.
In this mode, hovering over a project will highlight the associated allocation areas for both the aggregated role and for any resources and teams and/or the role item (unstaffed allocation) allocated to the hovered project.
Hovering over any allocation area in any histogram will highlight the associated project and any other associated allocations in the other histograms.
Filtering the Aggregated Role Trace View
Clicking an allocation area in the histogram for the aggregated role will select the associated project and filter the resource view, such that it only displays resource list items (role and/or resources or teams) allocated to that project.
To undo the selection of a project and display the role and all resources and teams again, click anywhere in the Gantt chart.
Role Trace or Resource Trace in the Aggregated Role Trace View
While working with the aggregated role trace, you can start another role trace or resource trace for the role (unstaffed allocation) and any resources displayed under the aggregated role row.
To start another role trace or resource trace, click any allocation area in the histograms for the role (unstaffed allocation) or any resource or team.
Clicking Leave Details to close the role trace or resource trace view opened this way will return you to the aggregated role trace view.
OBS Trace
When the resource view is aggregated by OBS unit, the OBS Trace view is activated when clicking in the histogram for an OBS unit.
Working with this view corresponds to the aggregated role trace view.