In order to more easily distinguish between planned and actual financial KPIs, we are renaming some existing fields in the financials endpoint of our Reporting API to be consistent with Meisterplan. The KPI fields with the old names will be available until February 2024. We recommend migrating to the new KPIs as soon as possible.
We will rename the following fields:
Current | New |
projectTotalBenefit | projectPlannedBenefitTotal |
projectTotalCostCapex |
projectPlannedCapexTotal |
projectTotalCostOpex | projectPlannedOpexTotal |
projectTotalNetValue | projectPlannedNetValueTotal |
projectTotalCostFinancials | projectPlannedFinancialEventsCostsTotal |
projectTotalCostAllocations | projectPlannedAllocationCostsTotal |
projectTotalAllocationsHours | projectPlannedAllocationsHoursTotal |
projectRemainingAllocationsFromTodayHours | projectFutureAllocationsHours |
projectTotalCost | projectPlannedCostsTotal |
Learn more in our Reporting API Documentation.