Connect your favorite project management tools to Meisterplan to see comparisons between the two directly in Meisterplan; this makes it even easier to ensure that your teams are working on the right jobs at the right time.
- What’s Possible with Our Task API
- Required User Rights
- How to Get Started
- Background: What Is the Task API?
What’s Possible with Our Task API
Meisterplan’s Task API allows you to get comparisons based on the task details from the connected tool about how your projects are progressing. This supports your planning with additional information, and allows you to make pragmatic decisions.
The Task API provides you with an easy way to connect your project management tools, and their data, with your Meisterplan system. With our specific endpoints, comparing data between systems is simple.
To learn more about how to compare data in the Information Panel, see the article Comparing External Tool Effort in the Information Panel via the Task Connector.
To learn more about how to compare data in Meisterplan views, see the article Comparing External Tool Effort in Different Views via the Task Connector.
Using our Task API does not overwrite any data in your Meisterplan system. It only provides you with metrics for comparison.
For example, you can use the Task API to ensure that your teams have not estimated far more effort than they are allocated in Meisterplan, and have an easy way to address the mismatch. You can also see tasks’ statuses, like if they are in implementation, by comparing data from the Task API.
The Task API will sync as often as you configure it to.
You can find a list of all linked tools under Integrations > Task Connector. You can also delete connections there.
Required User Rights
To connect, as well as to edit the configurations and delete the connections between external tools and the Task API, you must have the Manage Task Connector right as well as the Link Projects and View Task Details via the Task Connector right under Integration Rights.
To see the information compared in the Information Panel and to connect single projects to projects in Meisterplan, you must only have the Link Projects and View Task Details via the Task Connector right under Integration Rights.
How to Get Started
As an Admin
You can set up a connection to the Task API with Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate. This makes it easy to connect the Task API without developer capacity.
You can only have one tool connected with a project at a time, though you can have as many tools connected with your Meisterplan system as you would like. Data from the Task API is global and will therefore not depend on the scenario; what may differ, however, is the data that your Meisterplan system supplies based on the scenario.
To compare a project in Meisterplan with a project in your project management tool, match the allocations and assignees between the external tool and Meisterplan. This connection gives you allocation comparisons per role or resource.
If at least one imported task for the selected project has an assignee in the external tool, Meisterplan compares the assigned roles and resources in Meisterplan with the efforts from the external tool.
Without any assignee on imported tasks, the total effort of all tasks is compared with allocations in Meisterplan on the project.
As a Developer
Point your developers to these resources so they can start building the solution you need:
- Complete technical API Documentation
- For Meisterplan systems hosted in the US region:
- For Meisterplan systems hosted in the EU region:
- How to create API tokens in Meisterplan
Background: What Is the Task API?
The Task API is an endpoint of the REST API. This means that it conforms to the Representational State Transfer standard (REST), which offers you increased flexibility and security.