Availability: Some of the features described in this article are only available in the Pro and Premium Edition.
Stay up to date as we extend and update the Meisterplan REST API.
Are you a developer and have comments, questions, or other feedback? Feel free to send us an email at api-feedback@meisterplan.com.
- The webhooks in the REST API have been extended to allow allocation comments as triggers. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now read project comments and use them as trigger in the new projectComments endpoint. Learn more in our API documentation.
- The webhooks in the REST API have been extended to allow changes to milestones as triggers. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- In the projects endpoint, you can now edit multi-select fields via the REST API more easily by listing the options by project and separating them with commas.
- In the projects endpoint, you can now filter data queries by the value of your project fields. This applies to all project fields of the Boolean, Integer, Lookup, String and Text types.
- You can now find the field LastChanged in the projects endpoint.
- You can now create and update actual financial events with the new financialActuals endpoint. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- There was an issue in the REST API when trying to sync Meisterplan via the Clarity-Meisterplan interface where an update was not possible when the Project Manager field was empty. This issue has been resolved.
- The webhooks in the REST API have been extended to allow changes to specific fields as triggers. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- In the projects endpoint, you can now find the project manager (resource key) and the URL link of a project.
- You can now use webhooks in the REST API to trigger actions and notifications in other tools. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now replace all financial events of a project using the new replaceFinancials endpoint. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now replace all milestones of a project using the new replaceMilestones endpoint. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- The updateAllocations, createAndUpdateAllocations and replaceAllocations endpoints now add up allocations of the same role or resource if they overlap in a project. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now replace all allocations of a project through a single endpoint called replaceAllocations. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now read, create, update and delete OBS and calendars using the REST API. Find a detailed description in our API documentation. You can also delete roles.
- You can now read, create, update and delete Actual Time Worked using the REST API. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now read, create and update the rank and rank category of projects using the REST API.
Additionally, you can also read, create and update portfolios and their projects. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- Our newly updated REST API allows you to create, update, and read role capacity data in Meisterplan. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- Our newly updated REST API allows you to create, update, and read program data in Meisterplan, as well as assign projects to or remove them from programs. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now create and update allocations in days, FTE and in hours. Reading allocation data is currently only possible in hours. Additionally, creating and updating allocations is now combined in one API endpoint. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- The newly updated REST API now allows you to create, update, and read allocation data in Meisterplan. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now create and update financial data with the newly updated REST API. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now create and update milestones with the newly updated REST API. Find a detailed description in our API documentation.
- You can now create and update key project data such as name, status and progress with the newly updated REST API. Find a detailed description of the supported fields in our API documentation.
- It is now also possible to delete resource data with the REST API.
- The Meisterplan REST API now supports read access of key project data. Find a detailed description of the supported fields in our API documentation.
- Fixed error reporting for concurrent requests. We now report 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS.
- Fixed handling of errors due to exceeding field string length. We now report 400 BAD REQUEST.
- Skills are now available as a property when performing operations on a resource object.
06/14/2019 - First public release
We're excited to announce that the first iteration of the new Meisterplan REST API is now available. You can currently access and modify resource data such as vacations or personal information. Check out our API documentation on how to get started and bookmark this page for updates as we extend and improve the API!
02/28/2019 - First draft available
We published the first draft of the Meisterplan REST API with sample requests and responses today.
This draft includes CRUD operations for projects, resources, resource absences, and roles.
We plan to extend the draft and API with additional entities.
Please feel free to send us your feedback on the API draft to api-feedback@meisterplan.com.