Learn which project details from Jira will be displayed in Meisterplan after linking a Meisterplan project to Jira.
Task Connector
If you are using our Task Connector, see the article Comparing External Tool Effort in the Information Panel for details.
In order to be able to see Jira data for a Meisterplan project, the project must be linked to Jira. The projects that are created by importing from Jira are automatically linked to the Jira data selected during the import. You can also link Jira data to existing Meisterplan projects in the Information Panel.
Required User Rights
To view project details from Jira in the Information Panel, you need to have the Link Projects and View Task Details via the Task Connector right under Integration Rights.
Task Insights
For Jira-linked Meisterplan projects, you can see at a glance when the work is projected to be completed and if the team is still on schedule. You can also see in detail which work items are part of the project, which are already done and for which there are sufficient resources allocated in Meisterplan.
To display this information, open the Information Panel by clicking the link icon in the right sidebar.
In the Portfolio Designer, select a project by clicking the project name or the project bar. There, you can see the desired information in the Task Insights tab of the Information Panel:
Here you can immediately see whether or not a project is on schedule:
Project Summary
The Scheduled Finish Date is the end date of this project in Meisterplan.
Below the date, you can see the resources allocated to this project between today and the scheduled finish date (in person days).
Allocation Comparison with Meisterplan
In this section, you can see if the allocations in Meisterplan correspond to the Jira effort.
If you have matched roles and resources in Meisterplan and Jira, you will see the differences between the role and/or resource allocations in Meisterplan and the effort in Jira. Click the arrow after each entry to get a detailed comparison per role and/or resource.
If you did not match roles and/or resources in Meisterplan and Jira, you will see a comparison of the sum of all allocations with the sum of the efforts in Jira.
Task Status
In this section of the Information Panel, you can see which Jira issues are already completed, which are expected to be completed within the current allocations and which cannot be completed within the current allocations:
Click the arrow after each category to expand a list of the issues. If you have matched roles and/or resources in Meisterplan and Jira, the issues are grouped by roles and/or resources.
The order of the issues within a category or grouping corresponds to the sprint order of the issues in Jira or, if there are no sprints, to the order within the Jira Epic.
If you link the project to Jira using JQL, you can specify the order of the issues in the JQL query (e.g., ORDER BY "Story Points").
This category displays all Jira issues with the status category "Done" in Jira. Various statuses can be assigned to this status category, which can be configured and named in Jira. For example, there may be a status called “Done”, which is not the same as the status category of the same name.
Within Allocation
These issues are still in progress in Jira but are expected to be completed before the scheduled finish date considering a) the remaining allocation and b) the remaining estimated effort.
Outside Allocation
These issues are still in progress in Jira and cannot be completed before the scheduled finish date considering a) the remaining allocation and b) the remaining estimated effort. Increase the allocation if these issues are to be implemented before the scheduled finish date.
No Allocated Resources
If you have configured the Jira link of the project to match roles and/or resources, you will see a list of all issues that could not be matched to any allocation of this project.
For a match to be successful, ensure that the email address of the Meisterplan resource corresponds to the email address of the Jira user, and ensure that the Jira user has set the visibility of their email address to "Everyone" in their Atlassian account.
Update Project Details from Jira
In the toolbar of the Information Panel, click More Actions to unlink the project from Jira (this will not remove the Jira connection), to change epic that is linked to the project and to update the data from Jira.