In December 2024, we will update our Task Connector, as well as our Jira Connector. The update for the Jira Connector will enable you to connect to Jira with one dedicated Jira account instead of each user having to authorize their own access.
Upon release, current Jira links will no longer work unless they have been updated.
To prepare your Jira links for this change, please complete the steps below.
Create API Token in Jira
To update your Jira links, you need an access or API token from a Jira account. We recommend creating a dedicated user account for the connector that has read-only rights for all Jira projects that you want to connect with Meisterplan projects.
- Open Jira with the dedicated Jira account, click the profile picture in the top right and select Manage Account. Next, create an API token (Jira Cloud) or a Personal Access Token (Jira Data Center).
- For Jira Cloud, you can find the page under - For Jira Data Center, you can either choose to use the username and PAT (personal access token), or the username and password of the respective Jira account. If you want to use the PAT, select your profile picture at the top right of the screen, then click Profile. Once you access your profile, select Personal Access Tokens in the left sidebar.
- For Jira Cloud, you can find the page under
Update Jira Links in Meisterplan
To update your Jira links in Meisterplan, you need to authorize Jira access by entering the new credentials for each Jira Link in your Meisterplan system.
- In Meisterplan, open the left sidebar and select Integrations > Jira Connector.
- For each Jira link listed there, hover over the entry and click the pencil icon to edit the Jira link configuration.
- In the General section, click Edit Credentials and enter the details.
- Under Username, fill in the email address of the dedicated Jira account that you used to create the token.
- Under Jira API Token, add the previously created token.
- Click Apply.